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About Taletellers

Our modules have been specially curated, formulated and backed by IIM - B experience, highly qualified teachers and bankers along with a panel of child psychologists. This helps children to express themselves freely without getting intimidated or judged by others.


Lives touched




Books Read


New Words


Financial Concepts


Leadership Roles

how we work


Our system effortlessly add skills in children using Neuro linguistic learning methods. We don’t believe in making children compete with each other and our quest is to equip children to become the best version of themselves

Taletellers give your child financial empowerment at a very young age through video-based and activity-based financial education which sets the child up for a bright financial future.

A unique national online Bookclub membership means, your child can be a part of a group of children beyond location and thereby inculcate reading habit, enhance communication skills and knowledge about books relevant to their age.

A unique national online storytelling club membership means, your child can be a part of a group of children beyond location and thereby giving your child the right exposure to talk and interact with children from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds under a guidance of a trained teacher.

As parents, you get access to contacts of various professionals relevant to children such as dentists, paediatrician, Child psychologists, sports coaches, art coaches, etc. Online cultural events are also something we are looking forward to executing.

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Why Taletellers

We are on a mission to empower the next generation beyond the traditional educational system. We have a scientifically proven system that encourages children to interact with each other and built an ecosystem that mutually benefits all. Children get exposed to skills in a very subtle manner at Taletellers through constant focus on a peer to peer learning and, each session that offers volunteer leadership positions.



Positive attitude


Equality in all terms


Creative approach


Continued learning


Give back to the society

how we work


We have developed a scientifically proven storytelling and peer-to-peer methodology. We also strongly believe in a very subtle and fun learning process without any intimidating for your child.


We develop a deep and personal rapport with our parent users and these video testimonies are strong validations.